Image of team member holding up a sign thanking COVID-19 heroes.

3 Ways You Can Support Your Community Heroes During COVID-19

3-Minute ReadUPDATED: March 13, 2023


Living during these historic times, one quickly realizes how everyone is a part of your inner community. Your neighbors, grocery baggers, government workers, even favorite late-night celebrities. We are all connected, constantly struggling with the day-to-day trauma, financial uncertainty and loss that comes with COVID-19.

And when disaster strikes, affecting everyone around you, it’s hard not to wonder how you’re contributing to the larger cause. How can you support those going into work every day to fight for you and against COVID-19? Or stand up for the local businesses and people struggling in your local community?

Here are three important ways that we can all unite, fight COVID-19 and help essential workers on the frontline—all from your living room sofa.

1. Follow COVID-19 Response Guidelines

By following CDC guidelines and your state government’s orders, we can actively do our part to help flatten the curve.

And while it may feel small or give you cabin fever today, the best thing everyone can do for healthcare and frontline workers tomorrow is to stay home, practice social distancing, and not overwhelm hospitals and smaller healthcare systems (think places like Northern Michigan, where a hospital for 22 counties has approximately 202 beds).

Most recently, the CDC has encouraged residents who are leaving their homes to wear facemasks to parks and essential stores. To help, here are some resources for DIY facemasks to make for you, your family, and even local community members/essential workers if you’re feeling ambitious and want to stay busy.

2. Open Your Wallet And Donate When You Can

There are many ways you can assist your community in quarantine. If you’re interested in contributing financially, first take a look at some areas and organizations to donate. Then, participate locally:

Order Food

Look around and see how the local businesses in your community are handling COVID-19. While you may not be able to physically visit restaurants, you can still support your favorites through delivery and takeout services.

In some areas, restaurants are even leading the way and extending services to those affected by COVID-19. Take time the time to share and support these restaurants who are taking initiative and providing meals to workers and children, as their livelihoods are indefinitely put on hold. 

“We’re serving anywhere from 500 people to 1,000 people a day, so it’s pretty crazy right now,” says Brian Ingram, owner of the Hope Breakfast Bar in Downtown St. Paul, Minnesota. “There’s no questions asked.”

Shop And Buy Gift Cards

It’s time to shop. Purchasing gift cards now helps businesses stay afloat, pay team members, and serve clients later. And if it’s not for you, perhaps send a gift card to someone you appreciate who is putting their life on the line.

If you’re in the financial position to do so, another way to support is by shopping early for items that you would typically postpone for a few months. Been meaning to buy a new pair of tennis shoes for summer? Hit “confirm payment” and “add to shopping cart.” Consider “Back to School” shopping, upcoming birthdays, even Christmas.

Now, more than ever, is the time to help boost local profits where we can.

3. Give Thanks To Essential Workers

Most importantly, take time out of your day to say thank you. Whether it’s donating meals for hospital staff, sending e-cards, or just emphasizing to your grocery store cashier that you care. We all know someone who would appreciate the kudos right now for the extra work they’re bringing into each unknown day. 

Afterall, everyone knows a hero. Watch the video below to see us thank ours.